nicol wong

Why It’s Ok to Feel Lost in Life

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nicol yuk lui wong 黄郁蕾 shanghai teamlab 上海

Modern society dictates how we should live our lives, bombarding us with rules we should be abiding by. We have unnecessary high pressure living up to today’s so-called life expectations. Every Tom, Dick and Harry will know that life isn’t a linear path. Everyone will hit a bump on the road at some point in their life, whether it’s love, career, at a low point, a high point, or life in general. For me, I was overwhelmed by one’s life. So you can say, yes, I feel lost in life and I’m OK with that.

My Story

I remember wanting to be an artist and to work in the art industry since primary school. It was my love, my passion, thus excelled in every art subject throughout my pre-university years. Graphic design was the route I was going to pursue, but having Asian parents had meant I couldn’t go through with it at university. So instead, graduated with a Computer Science degree. The total opposite right? I can tell you straight up, I hated those 3 years. I was miserable, dropping out wasn’t an option and was only completing it for my parent’s sake. That was the first time I had felt lost nor had any aspirations for anything.

What was I going to do with a degree I didn’t want in the first place? Parents wanted me to complete a Master’s degree right after graduation in either in CS or something useful they approve of e.g. business. Hated both options. My potential new academic year was also the same year the tuition fees had increased to £9k. Rather than wasting money on another degree I didn’t want, I had told a little white lie to get out of it. It worked so job hunting it was.

Fast forward to getting a job in tech. I had found a job in an interesting industry and that was when I had realised my degree wasn’t useless after all. On the contrary, was actually grateful. The job had opened my eyes to the different opportunities out there that weren’t 100% revolved around software development. I knew that I had wanted to move into a new challenge but didn’t know exactly which direction I wanted to take my career in. I was stumped for quite some time then thought, “Fuck it, I’ll move to China”. A bold move yes, but it was something I had wanted to do for years, a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was the right time in both my career and personal life. I had no personal commitments and wanted to take advantage of my youth. 2017 was the year I had actually turned this goal into a reality.

Worth it.

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”

Henry David Thoreau
nicol yuk lui wong 黄郁蕾 shanghai teamlab 上海
nicol yuk lui wong 黄郁蕾 shanghai teamlab 上海

What I’ve Learnt

“To get lost is to learn the way”

African Proverb

Nothing to Be Ashamed About

It’s OK and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Taking time away to find yourself is OK. I used to feel embarrassed to say I needed to get away to find myself, to find what I really wanted. The responses I’ve had were all positive and encouraging, some had even shared their own experiences. I believe hearing stories in person has a different effect as compared to reading them online, quite possibly due to being able to hear and see emotions that go into it. Having someone who can relate to you creates a personal connection, giving you hope and reminds you you’re not alone. Acceptance is key. Remember, it’s clearly OK to feel lost in life.

Everything Happens For a Reason

Every circumstance we encounter is designed to teach us a lesson whether we originally wanted it to cross our paths or not. Those lessons will help steer our journey in all directions, down small trails. We must not take it to heart if it means having to go back to the previous step but rather a tale to tell us there’s an alternative way. It won’t be obvious at the start, however, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Facing the Truth

We’re trying to impress others who completely have different values than ours, reaching their expectations doing meaningless tasks. Yet we’re too busy, blind and oblivious to see this.

Life giving you a taste of the truth serum can be gut-wrenching for some however it’ll open your eyes to the reality. Less wish wash, more clarity. With a clear mind and sight, you’ll know what the issue is, what is missing and will have a wider range of options to look into, henceforth knowing what steps to take next. Sometimes, all we need is to step back, see the truth, and have a clear mind in order to accept and proceed further. You’ll realise you truly have more control over your own life than you think.

Personal Growth

If I feel lost in life, there a void waiting to be filled. I have found that being in a new environment will temporarily fill this void. Temporality can differ from a few days to even a few years. This is the time for self-love and self-care, something I really needed. In order to do this, you start by listening to yourself. Let me reiterate this, you must listen to yourself. It’s the top and only requirement. Don’t listen to those voices inside your head or the figures resting on your shoulders giving you advice on both extremes. You don’t need them to steer you to seek other’s constant approval. Embrace freedom and what it can offer to help you grow.

To Not Give Up

We as individuals change, our ideals change, our ambitions change. As long as we continue to strive to keep at it and do our best, there’s nothing better we could ask for right? Two steps forward, one step back is far greater than one step forward, two steps back.

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
